Privacy Policy/Disclaimer

The information on this website is for educational purposes. For legal definitions, please refer to state statutes. Our website address is


As the sponsor of this website, the Colorado Alliance For Caregiving Youth (CACY) lists agencies, organizations, books, articles, and websites for Information only. CACY believes these resources offer useful Information and provide it as an educational support service to our visitors. CACY does not endorse and is not responsible for the accuracy or completeness of the content or information that any listed resource contains. Each user should carefully investigate and independently verify Information, as every caregiver and caregiving situation may differ.




CACY, its staff, and any related parties shall have no liability for claims by, or damages of any kind whatsoever to, a user of this website or any other person for a decision or action taken in reliance on the Information contained on it. Such damages include, without limitation, direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages.

Policy on Collecting Personal Information

The Colorado Alliance for Caregiving Youth (CACY) values and respects an individual’s right to keep certain Personal Information private.


Likewise, CACY values the need to collect and use Personal Information to effectively deliver products and services and improve the lives of caregiving youth and those being cared for. CACY neither collects nor stores personal Information on its website.


“Personal Information” is “Demographic Information” and/or “Medical Information,” which identifies a specific individual with a minimal degree of effort. Demographic Information includes name, address, city, and other similar Information. Medical Information includes diseases, treatments, lifestyle behaviors, family history, and other similar Information. Transactional Information is data collected on an individual based on the individual’s interactions with the CACY. Aggregate Information is in summary form and does not contain data identifying a specific individual.

Specific Requirements

Administrative Requirements


* All Personal Information collected on individuals will be kept confidential and in a secure environment. * Access to Personal Information will be restricted to only those personnel with a legitimate CACY business purpose.


* The CACY owns all Personal Information provided to it by individuals.

Scientific Research Requirements

* Any research funded by or in which the CACY participates that involves human subjects (e.g., Information collected on individuals) must conform ethically to the guidelines prescribed by the National Institutes of Health (NIH); this includes obtaining informed consent from each individual.


Third Party Disclosure Requirements


* Permission is required before the CACY discloses Personal Information to a third party.


* No permission is necessary for Aggregate Information since Aggregate Information does not identify a specific individual.


* For disclosure of Demographic Information, the CACY will, at minimum, use the “Opt-Out” approach. An “opt-out” is obtained when the CACY, through some correspondence, allows an individual to decline or “opt-out” of disclosures to third parties. If the individual does not opt out, permission is deemed granted.


* Depending upon the nature of an activity or project, a higher standard than “opt-out” may be used, such as “opt-in,” whereby an individual must affirmatively consent before Information is disclosed.

Need More Information? Contact Us:

Colorado Alliance For Caregiving Youth (CACY)

820 S. Monaco Parkway

Suite 342

Denver, Colorado 80224

(720) 856-0475


[email protected]